靈感是上天給予的禮物,無論何時,或是何處,它說來就來。一個藝術家需要隨時準備好, 所以需要一個幫手協助你輕鬆捕捉稍縱即逝的靈感。... 來看看 Duet.
Duet 是一個可攜式的錄音介面,具備驚異的音質, 內建支援Apple’s Logic Pro, Soundtrack Pro 以及 GarageBand軟體的控制功能,Duet讓你輕鬆創造專業的錄音。
Duet 帶給您... 專業的可攜式聲音介面以及世界級的麥克風前級,Apogee設計的訊號轉換,以及創新、直覺、容易的使用方式,Duet永遠在關鍵時刻捕捉你的音樂、演出..等。
美金價格: $495
Mix Foundation 2008 TEC award |
MAC UP product rating View Award |
Keys: Leser-Award 2008 for Best Mobile Interface |
Pro Audio Review's "PAR Excellence 2007" |
Audio Media's "Gear of the Year 2007" |
Sing |
Play Duet’s dual, 1/4” high impedance inputs are ideal for any combination of two instrumentalists: guitar and bass, bass and keyboard, guitar and guitar, etc. Simply plug into the breakout cable inputs labeled with the corresponding instrument icons and jam or record using your favorite Core Audio-compatible application. |
Listen Whether it’s through the 1/4” outputs to your powered speakers or via the headphone jack, Duet delivers the amazing sound quality Apogee is known for. With Duet’s multi-function controller knob, you can easily toggle back and forth between your monitors and headphones, control the volume and mute playback. Duet’s studio reference-quality sound combined with simple and powerful control features make it an ideal choice for creating music or simply delivering the ultimate iTunes listening experience. |
Record and Podcast
Mastering Duet: Take Control with Maestro | |
Duet is the first two-channel audio interface with control functions built directly into Apple’s Logic Pro, Soundtrack Pro and GarageBand... But what if you want to use Duet with another audio application on your Mac? Enter Apogee's Maestro software. With Maestro, you can control all of Duet’s capabilities and settings and use Duet with any Core Audio-compatible application. Everything Duet is capable of and more is easily controlled and configured within Maestro. Additionally, Maestro lets you assign MIDI function controls such as level adjustment, panning and song position to Duet’s controller knob. You can also configure the controller knob to mute your headphones or monitors with a simple click. No matter what software you use with Duet, Maestro will give you the control you need. |
Maestro's settings, controls and functions: | |
Break Out: Duet’s Input and Output Connection Cable | |
The I/O breakout cable that comes with Duet makes connecting microphones, instruments and speakers simple and clear. Each high-quality connector is clearly labeled with the corresponding icon and the speaker connectors are distinguished by a unique purple slider.
Fired Up: Bus Powered FireWire Lets you Take Duet Anywhere | |
Duet is the first bus powered FireWire interface in the Apogee family. Which means your computer powers Duet, liberating you from a wall socket. So with Duet, a laptop and a little gear, you can roam to wherever your creativity takes you and make incredible sounding recordings in an inspired space. |
Power Trio Integration | |
Apogee, Apple and Euphonix have been working together to provide a range of powerful integrated music creation tools that take the process of composing, recording, editing and mixing to a whole new level. |
大量庫存中, 價格與美國同步, 歡迎電洽MIdiMall