2008.6.27~6.29 夏弦樂~凝電音創 一場結合國內外電音創作者的音樂盛會,即將於通霄海洋渡假村的美麗沙灘上通霄呈現!多年來致力於電音創作的 26D PRODUCTION 團隊,將配合此次活動推出首張 PSYCHEDELIC TRANCE 創作精選輯,其中收錄KERLIVIN & KOALA & CONTROL Z的最新作品,想要體驗一下無限寬廣幻想空間的朋友們,千萬不要錯過此張狂放的精采選輯,因為我們將帶給你最超現實的PSY TRANCE!而今年 26D PRODUCTION 的藝術團隊依然為你精心製作出超大型裝置藝術,結合通霄海洋渡假村的超自然美景,引領大家一起進入奇妙的異想世界!
SAIKO SOUNDShttp://www.saikosounds.com/english/
MANIC DRAGONhttp://www.sonic-dragon.com/?load=/manic_dragon.htm
MQ RECORDhttp://mqrecord.idv.st
2000~2200 雷鬼音樂
2200~2400 vDub / THE DIVE (加拿大)
0000~0200 JJ / 藍色唱片 (台灣)
0200~1200 環境心靈音樂
1200~1400 Lazydaze 創作發表 (澳洲)
1400~1600 Angel Destroy / Moon Stone (台灣)
1600~1800 Spike / Cosmic Worm (台灣)
1800~2000 Theendtone / O.S.P (哥斯大黎加)
2000~2200 Mezak / Psymeal Production (台灣)
2200~2400 Morpheus / 26D (台灣)
0000~0200 Urban Myth創作發表 / 26D (南非)
0200~0400 Dragon 創作發表 / 26D (台灣)
0400~0600 JR / Phantasm & Araiwa (泰國)
0600~0800 Koala 創作發表/ 26D (台灣)
0800~1000 Mark 創作發表 / Nexus Media (南非)
1000~1200 Jocy / Psymeal Production (台灣)
預售票~成人新台幣1000元 / 孩童新台幣500元(銷售截止日期六月十六日)
票 口~成人新台幣1350元 / 孩童新台幣650元
>>>>>DJs on June 27th, Friday<<<<<
- VDub
VDub來自加拿大溫哥華,擅長曲風為spinning electro, electro clash & dirty breaks,受邀2007年春吶,Liquid Lounge, Zoo, CU台中,台北,墾丁等各地。
from: Vancouver , Canada
music: spinning electro, electro clash and dirty breaks...
venues: played at spring scream '07, Liquid Lounge, Zoo, CU, as well as parties in Taichung , Taipei and Kenting
- JJ
台灣許多朋友口中的 techno 第一人, 也很多朋友美稱他為 “中霸天“! 06年前DJ表現多為強悍且 funky的工業重拍,也為其贏得”猛獸DJ”的封號! 06年春後,JJ 的DJ 開始走進更形minimal與chill的狀態,danceholic與 technoanimal火氣已然遠去,取而代之的是較接近喃喃自語的自我表現,喜拆解 4/4拍或加入downtempo的元素成為喜出望外的一種景觀! 07年中後的DJ表現更形自我 , 音樂中充滿了spacy & dubby 的氛圍,聆聽性多已勝過舞蹈性!但終究還是Techno!
In Taiwan JJ is known as the King of Techno. Before 2006 his style was more hard and funky. He won the " Beast DJ" award. After 2006, JJ 's style changed to more minimal and chill out, leaving the 'Beast' behind. Then he started experimenting by combining the usual 4/4 with more downtempo elements. After 2007 he changed his style again, breaking further away from typical club/dance music by adding more spacy and dubby atmospheres and thereby creating his own unique and fresh style of techno.
>>>>>DJs on June 28th, Saturday<<<<<
- Lazydaze
- Angel Destroy / Jimi
陳世興,台灣本土資深音樂人,很早期以製作"紅螞蟻樂團-愛情釀的酒"一專輯進入唱片圈,此專輯並獲入選台灣百大最佳唱片,中期跨足劇場、舞蹈、電影、電視影片領域,與多位國內知名藝術家、導演、舞蹈家合作,並獲得多次提名入圍金馬獎、金鐘獎原著音樂,當時並出版了 "空、山、靈、雨" 新世紀冥想音樂個人專輯,以及 "行雲" , "發現後山的藝術" 等,近期則涉入電音領域,並以電音DJ、音樂家、音樂總監之身份受邀至澳洲、日本、大陸,完成了數場觀眾達兩萬多人的,成功的大型戶外電音派對演出。
Jimi, a senior local Taiwanese musician, he has been devoting into music career for long time. One of the album "the Wine Brewed From Love" he released earlier was nominated as Taiwan top 100 album. At the middle stage, he put his effort on musical opera, dance, movie, TV show, meanwhile, he cooperated with several famous artists, directors and dancers in Taiwan . He was nominated to the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Bell Awards, he released his personal Meditative albums in the same time. He is focusing on Trance music lately, and he has been invited to Australia , Japan and China to DJ for huge outdoor trance parties as a DJ, musician and producer.
出生1975年,於1996年在師父JACK:E的帶領下正式接觸DJ的生涯,早期出道時接觸的音樂均為當時的流行舞曲,接著又鑽研BRAEK BEAT與BIG BEAT。之後更是受到師父的影響,於1998年一頭鑽進了PSYTRANCE的世界,SPIKE.J除了在台灣參加過許多大小與世內外的PARTY之外,並每年受邀至泰國帕岸島表演。由於本身也屬於熱愛PSYPARTY的一份子,與許多友人聯合舉辦過在台灣多場知名的大小PARTY,也在2004年正式成立蟲洞音樂工作室COSMIC WORM,定期舉辦各種的PSYPARTY與提供多元有關PSY的資訊。SPIKE.J擅長運用各式各樣的接歌技巧,將每首歌化作為一個音符,再將所有的音符從新巧妙的譜成一首曲子,在他的時段裡你會感受到一個完美的起伏,從光明至黑暗,從黑夜到天明。
Spike started his DJ career in 1996, starting with pop dance music, BRAEK BEAT & BIG BEAT, by the influence of his master, he got addicted to PsyTrance in 1998. He has been invited to DJ at many indoor and outdoor parties in Taiwan , and Full Moon party in Thailand every year. In 2004, he formed COSMIC WORM, throwing psytrance parties regularly.
Theendtone於2001年開始他DJ的生涯,並加入了Uztari Trip Hop Band (此為哥斯大黎加第一個成立的電子音樂團體)。2003年Uztari發行了第一張專輯並開始巡迴表演。2004年認識了Ajuca Record的DJ Mud X Man,並展現了Psy Trance的魅力。2005年從哥斯大黎加開始旅行與巡迴表演,在巴拿馬、阿根廷、西班牙、台灣、泰國等各國,與全球DJ分享PsyTrance的舞台。
Brian Hovenga aka Theendtone ,born in Costa rica in 1979 ,starts DJing since 2001 as a member of Uztari (trip hop band ). In 2004 he met Mud x man and showed him the magic inside Psychedelic Trance, in 2005 he started mixing, constantly traveling he plays in countries like Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, Taiwan and Thailand. He shares stage with electrypnose, psyboriginal, m3nos and others .....
- Mezak
Real Name: Isaac/Izak/然
Belongs to: PsyMeals Production (迷幻餐點)
Mezak1998年開始接觸電子音樂,在2000年參加了第一場的psytrance派對。於2003年與Dj Syrus跟Dj Jocy成立PsyMeals Production。每半年舉辦一次派對。同時間也開始接觸DJ。喜好黑暗漸明,帶有funky韻味的曲風。
04.17 Pig Can Fly@鐵漢柔情
06.04 Flutter@汐止山上
08.20 Psycho Killer@淡水街道
10.29 Fighters@ 碧山嚴
02.01 No Name Party@幽人神谷
05.26 May Party UDJ@Club Boven (UDJ Series Parties)
06.23 溯源 @ 馬槽彩虹橋
07.01 Dance With U@Club Wine Not (UDJ Series Parties)
200801.19 At the Edge of....大溪地野營區by PsyMeals Production
It all starts with SUN project that lead Mezak into the scene of PsyTrance. Back in 1998 he has joined the scene by going a lot of parties then started collecting music. In 2003, he has started DJ for fun. Since he has gathered so many friends, he organized the group – PsyMeals Production with DJ Syrus and Jocy in 2004, and make parties about twice a year. His music is versatile that he plays from morning to full-on, and for his favorite night time psychedelic trance. Besides DJ and organizing parties, Mezak even writes articles for PsyTrance in helping the scene to grow again in Taiwan , even in Asia . From time to time, he writes articles, music reviews and interviews for artist in this genre. (You could find on www.datuanjie.com ). From deep dark emotion to uplifting groovy stomping beats, DJ Mezak has improving his skills day by day.
1998年開始DJ,2000年接觸Psychedelic Trance,參與多場Party表演及Guest DJ,近年與Dragon,Koala…等好友舉辦戶外音樂派對,並於2007年嘗試創作。
Morpheus stared DJ since 1998, he discovered Psychedelic Trance in 2000, he has been performing at many parties, holding outdoor parties with his friends Dragon and Koala, and he has been producing psychedelic trance since 2007.
>>>>>DJs on June 29th, Sunday<<<<<
Urban Myth剛開始接觸的音樂為house、electro、techno等,他參與一場以色列的戶外party後便沉迷於PsyTrance的魔力。之後他去英國見識更多戶外trance party,並且嘗試DJ。2000年來到臺灣認識了臺灣PsyTrance DJ Dragon,一同舉辦party與製作音樂,同時也加入26D。
I started listening to electronic music (house, electro, techno etc.) before I started listening to PsyTrance. It was at my first outdoor party in Israel when I discovered the magic of PsyTrance .After Israel I went back to England and joined more PsyTrance parties like Return to the Source and Escape from Samsara. I also started to DJ. After England I came to Taiwan and met DJ Dragon in 2000 . We started to organize outdoor parties and produce music together .I have also joined 26D Productions.
Dragon,引領了台灣眾多派對客進入trance的極樂世界.DJ經驗相當豐富的Dragon,在許多台灣及國外知名大型戶外派對大展身手,如香港、倫敦、南非,並且多次受邀DJ泰國滿月派對。近期與Manic Dragon簽約,並開始製作音樂,在六月底的夏弦樂與和平音樂祭,Dragon將為您帶來即興創作的表演,請拭目以待!
Dragon...He has taken party-goers on blissful psychedelic journeys at the biggest outdoor parties in Taiwan since before you were cool. He has played with some of the most famous Trance names in the world, a regular at the famous Full moon festivals in Thailand as well as playing at Huge festivals in London , Hong Kong and South Africa . Having recently signed with trance label Manic Dragon, he's now producing his own music,& he will be playing a special live performance set at Liquid Moon PsyTrance party & Peace Fest.
- JR
Suriya / DJ.JR 來自泰國,1987年剛出道時曲風以club & discotheque為主。1997年開始在泰國知名海灘Haad Rin, Koh Phangan放歌,也與Blue Moon Productions在Tommy Resort共同舉辦千憘年倒數party。於2001年至2007年JR前往歐洲、印度果亞參予大型戶外派對。回國後與朋友們成立了Araiwa Production,策劃了許多戶外派對,同時也給予泰國及世界各地的PsyTrance新生代表演的機會。JR的表演遍及了亞洲各國,如:香港、上海、日本。
Suriya / DJ.JR is from Thailand , he played club and discotheque in Thailand and Japan since 1987. He DJ at Haad Rin, Koh Phangan beach in 1997. He teamed up with Blue Moon Productions for the millennium countdown party at Tommy Resort. Then he went to explore Europe on voov9 exp., Boom Festival, Goa , India during 2001 to 2007. JR and his friends created Araiwa Production, they organized Psychedelic Trance full-moon party, Trip True Trance returned in Tommy Resort to upload new sounds from many label's to present performance. He also plays underground music created by new generation from Koh Phangan over the world, He played oversea in Asia, such as Hong Kong, Shanghai and Japan include voov9.
- Koala
正向思惟自然的Psychedelic Trance~1998年時開始接觸Psychedelic Trance。
2004年開始學習創作Psychedelic Trance,也嘗試著把創作的音樂作品推廣出去。
有音樂和藝術覺受的Koala將Psychedelic Trance頻率和裝置藝術與大自然融合再一起,希望藉由這喜悅的能量,讓人放慢生活的步調去聆聽、感受心靈深處 原本具有的真、善、美。
經歷了26D-Production所辦的Psy Trance Party DJ,全台各大Psy Trance Party DJ,
及到泰國Koh Phangan FullMoon PsyTrance Party DJ。
Koala discovered Psychedelic Trance in 1998, and he began a further exploration of Psychedelic Trance in Germany and England in 2001. He joined 26D Production in 2002, starting to produce music in 2004 and tried to promote his tracks. With his music and art talents, he tires to combine the frequency of PsyTrance, art decorations and mother nature, hoping to share the joyful energy with people, and to feel the goodness deep inside everyone’s soul. Koala has been DJ at 26D parties, and invited to DJ at Koh Phangan NewYear PsyTrance OutDoor Party, and Koh Phangan FullMoon PsyTrance OutDoor Party in 2007.
Mark Ackermann ( South Africa ) Mark is one half of PsyTrance project Hydraglyph. Formed in 2000, they have over 35 international releases and have performed around the world in countries such as Brazil , UK , Holland , Canada , Germany , Austria , Sovenia , Russia , Japan and South Africa .
Jocy (Psymeals Production) http://www.wretch.cc/blog/psymeals
PsyTrance的死硬派,DJ Jocy放歌始於1999年,其音樂風格往往表現出一種虛幻
DJ since 1999, Jocy has much experience from playing in many clubs and open-air parties, the Taiwanese DJ always hits the dancefloor with strong energy, and creates emotional vibe by his musical sense and smooth mixing technique. His set keeps on a fresh psychedelic base and entertaining beat.