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UAD-1 Powered Plug-Ins

MAS v2.2.7 Preview Release

September 6, 2002

  • 2.287版本在Mac的Mas環境下支援Daul Cpu,同時穩定性很高。

  • 這是從2.2.6 to version 2.2.7的升級版本

  • Version 2.2.6 必須先安裝,否則升級會掛掉

  • 舊的Plug-in Files會被丟到垃圾桶去,所以建議大家先Backup起來

  • 如過升級時出現'file not found',表示之前的2.26版本沒有安裝好

version 2.2.7的改變

  • 支援雙CPU

  • 當Nigel做Automation的時候產生的旋紐不正常移動問題已經修正

    • 當某些Plug-in在Automation開啟時造成CPU使用增加的問題已解決

    安裝MAS version 2.2.7 搶先版:

    1. 離開所有MAS程式.

    2. 選擇Software updater.

    • 先下載並解壓縮archive 檔案,用滑鼠雙擊"UAD-1 v2.2.7 MAS Updater"
    • 按照指示完成安裝
    • 重新開啟MAS應用程式,重新連結設定UAD-1


    QuickStart Guide for MAS

    Version 2.3.0, September 25, 2002


    移除Powered Plug-Ins軟體的方式

    1. 殺掉延伸功能Extensions folder下的檔案
      -UAD Driver
      -UAD Engine
      -UAD GUI Library

    2. 殺掉以下檔案夾
      -Powered Plug-Ins Tools

    3. 再殺掉以下檔案夾:
      System Folder:Extensions:MOTU:Plug-Ins:

      -Powered Plug-In

    Additional goodies included on the UAD-1 Powered Plug-Ins CD

    (These items can be downloaded here)

    • 新增的效果器預先設定在:UAD-1 Presets檔案夾

    • Cubase, Nuendo, and Logic Audio sessions 的延遲補償在Extras:DelayComp Examples檔案夾

    • 使用手冊可於此下載UADManual.pdf

    MAS Version 2.3.0 聲明


    • 多張UAD-1支援還未公佈

    • Mac OS X 還未支援,不過已經有計畫執行

    • 強烈建議RAM愈大愈好,如果你看到 "plugin failed to load" 訊息出現,通常就是表示記憶體不足

    • VST version 2.3.0也已經公佈,如果要同時使用VST/MAS系統,記得兩邊都要安裝最新的Driver

    MAS systems目前相關文件宣告

    • Digital Performer and AudioDesk do not currently implement automatic delay compensation. To keep UAD-1 tracks synchronized with unprocessed tracks, use the UAD Delay Compensator plugin. "Offline" processing and bouncing to disk using UAD-1 plugins will shift the audio too.

      See Chapter 3 of the User Manual for detailed information on how to use the UAD DelayComp plugin. Example session files demonstrating the proper use of the UAD DelayComp plugin are available for downloading at

      TIP: There is a simple, fast, and easy shortcut for delay compensation in DP. Set the Nudge amount to twice your current Buffer size. When you have a track that you want to put UAD plugins on, simply Nudge that track earlier by the number of UAD plugins you intend to use.

    • Processing an audio track "offline" with UAD-1 plugins (i.e. selecting a track, then selecting Audio menu->Audio Plug-Ins) requires that all other UAD-1 plugins be disabled. The easiest method of accomplishing this is with the UAD-1 Meter "Off" button. You must wait until the background processing is finished before re-enabling the disabled plugins or instantiating any new UAD-1 plugins.

    • RealVerb Pro morphing is not fully supported in the current version of Digital Performer. Morphing works correctly until you modify and save a preset, at which point selecting presets from the morphing presets menu may not always load the desired effect. This is due to a limitation of the MOTU software.

    • When attempting to load a UAD-1 plugin that requires more UAD-1 memory than is actually available on the card, the host will indicate the plugin loaded successfully even though no effect is heard. This is because the UAD-1 plugin is not actually loaded on the card. If any UAD-1 plugin is subsequently loaded that does fit in the available UAD-1 memory, it will work fine. Memory requirements of the UAD-1 plugins are listed in Chapter 3 of the User Manual.

    • The UAD Pultec plugin introduces an additional 13 samples of latency due to upsampling. Workaround: use another UAD Pultec plugin in the same manner as you would the UAD DelayComp plugin, but disable the Pultec so that it acts as a "Pultec delay compensator".

    • Smooth automation ramps cannot be drawn manually.

    • Control of the UAD-1 plugins with Mackie Control does not work correctly.

      Dual Processor 雙CPU系統訊息

      When the output signal of a UAD-1 plugin is routed to the input of another plugin(s), the plugin(s) receiving the UAD-1 plugin output signal will not benefit from multiple processors. This is due to a limitation of the MAS software. Exception: This does not apply to the UAD DelayComp plugin.

      • Certain ASIO drivers may not work when MP mode is enabled in the host application. We recommend contacting the ASIO hardware manufacturer to confirm their ASIO driver supports dual processor systems.

      • The UAD-1 plugins themselves do not realize any host CPU gain when MP support is enabled. They may use a slightly larger amount of host CPU in MP mode when compared to non-MP mode. In general, the host CPU requirement increases as ASIO buffer size decreases and/or the sample rate increases.

      MAS Version 2.3.0除錯聲明

      • Improved driver stability and reduced interrupt latency
      • Spurious "Ran out of record buffers" and similar errors have been fixed
      • Improved performance with certain I/O devices (including M-Audio)
      • Driver loads much faster during system startup