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Future-Retro Revolution重現TB-303

Revolution synthesizer Sample in MidiMall

Revolution right front angle

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Revolution side angle

Revolution left rear angle

Revolution rear


也就是...  Revolution

另一台真實類比的單音合成器,有非常容易使用的步階式(Step)編曲機,類比與數位DSP的效果器處理,以及各種不同的介面讓你可以透過 MIDI, CV/Gate, 以及 Din Sync設備來控制。

延續我們製造優良品質產品的傳統,這個產品以鋁殼包覆,雕工精細的櫻桃木邊,高對比的白底黑字讓妳在暗處也能可見並控制, 配上最亮眼的藍色LED燈,整個過程中使用高品質的組件更是不需多作贅述。.


如妳所見,編曲機是以圓形設計,相較於傳統的線條式設計他擁有幾項優點,首先是視覺上比較容易將一小節的音樂切割成等分, 同時在使用重複的Loop樂句播放時,不論是快轉或是反轉,都能提供比較直覺的顯示方式,因此能幫助妳在重新混音時較容易理解幾何對等的原理這個設計也讓使用者可以用單手執行所有的混音弁遄C

有256個可以被錄製的樂句,每一組都可以設定音長、音高、強弱、滑音、重覆點、拍號以及搖穠漱顐牷A樂句編輯則包括拷貝/貼上, 樂句偏移, 樂句轉調, 現場多組樂句串聯以及LED追跑。除此之外,所有的樂句編輯以及錄音都可以在編曲機播放時完成,並且在不停機狀態下可以自動儲存你所有的編輯。

Revolution 也提供順轉或反轉播放樂句的能力,並且可以透過MIDI的 program change參數遙控選擇樂句。

共有16歌曲可以將樂句編輯進去, 每一個都可以錄製自己的速度、每一拍的樂句、每一拍的移調以及每一首歌的Loop點,16首顆中每一手都包含高達3580個小節的設定,不同的歌曲還可以串連在一起播放。

除此之外,Revolution提供了獨門的Remix弁遄A每首歌以及樂句都提供了256種變化 ,總共有高達65,000可能的樂句組合,不論你是在現場即興的播放或者是在歌曲中製造一些變化,Remix的弁鈳ˊT實將提供你靈感並加速你的創作過程。


Revolution 的聲音引擎完全使用真實的類比合成方式,只有DSP 效果部份是數位的,如果效果器bypass,則訊號的每一個輸出都保證是類比的,我們很詳細的確保Revolution是最精準的重製了TB303的聲音,並且在釵h方面它的清澈度以及可能性要優於TB-303。

Revolution有新的震盪器設計提供了傑出的音符軌跡及穩定的溫度同時也提供了跟TB303完全一樣的波形,Revolution也提供了精確的3極濾波設計,閘控放大,強弱拍以及滑音電路都是 TB303的重現。除了原先的TB303控制方式以外,,Revolution 也有一組CV 調變量控制使截止頻率可以依照內部編曲機產生的電壓或是外部外部控制的調變電壓來改變,你也應該注意到有一個 Accent Decay時間控制弁鉣A可以透過強弱電路改變濾波器以及放大器調變的時間長度, 這個控制可以讓濾波器從很短暫的瞬間重音到很長的滑音都可以, 會製造出非常Funky的聲音。 All in all it's one tricked out acid machine for creating everything from warm deep basses, silky smooth liquid chirps and bleeps, to the more aggressive ripping overdriven lead sounds.


The Revolution uses both analog and digital effects to process its sound. The overdrive stage is true analog and can be activated by a switch on the rear panel. The overdrive stage is a dynamic process related directly to the filter's resonance amount, so that as the resonance is increased, so is the overall gain of the overdrive section. This preserves the shape of the oscillator's waveform at lower resonance levels instead of just clipping them into a square waveform as a typical distortion stage would. This also provides a much smoother transition from the original bubbly liquid sound, into those ripping lead sounds more common in todays electronic music.

The DSP section provides true 24 bit stereo effects processing, arranged as 16 preset effect which include: chorus/room1 and 2, delay 1 and 2, chorus, flange, plates 1, 2 and 3, rooms 1, 2, and 3, halls 1 and 2, rotary speaker, and a low pass muffler. In addition, wet/dry controls are provided for both left and right output channels. These controls can be used to help place the sound within the stereo field, or create two different mixes of wet/dry amount.


Although the Revolution's analog signal is mono, the DSP effects do provide movement through the stereo sound field, and appropriately we have provided a stereo master output, as well as a stereo headphone output using standard 1/4" jacks.

Also provided are separate 1/4" jacks for both CV out (1v/oct standard), and Gate out (positive type, 0 to +12v) for playing other analog equipment using the Revolution's sequencer. Or if you prefer, the Revolution can act as a MIDI to CV converter when it is not playing its internal patterns.

1/4" jacks are also provided for CV in to modulate the filter's cutoff frequency with external control voltages, and Audio in for processing external sounds through the Revolutions filter, amplifier, overdrive and DSP effects sections. The Audio in jack can sum the external signal with the internal oscillators, or completely override the oscillator signal so that just the external sound is processed.

Here's where things get even more interesting... by connecting these outputs and inputs in various ways other sounds are possible without any additional equipment. For instance you can route the signal from the headphone output back to modulate the filter's cutoff for some unusual self modulation effects. Or route the output back into the Audio input, which can produce everything from self resonant sounds, to bizarre feedback loops, and remember the effects section are included in this processing chain.

MIDI In/Thru/Out are all provided for syncing playback with external sequencers, playing MIDI sound modules, or having external sequencers or MIDI keyboard controllers play the Revolution's analog section.

Din Sync out is included for syncing up the playback of the early Roland TR and TB type devices to todays MIDI sequencers.